Cargo package

A Cargo package provides support for processing a Cargo supported module.

LIBFOO_TYPE = 'cargo'

During the configuration stage of a Cargo package, cargo will be invoked to generate build files for the module. After fetching and extracting a package, cargo vendor will be invoked to download any defined dependencies defined in Cargo.toml. After all dependencies are acquired, a build stage will be triggered using cargo build, followed by an installation stage using cargo install. Each stage can be configured to manipulate environment variables and options used by the Cargo executable.

The following sections outline configuration options are available for a Cargo package.


Provides a means to pass definitions into the build process. This option can is defined as a dictionary of string pairs. This field is optional.

    # adds "-Doption=value" to the command
    'option': 'value',


Provides a means to pass environment variables into the build process. This option is defined as a dictionary with key-value pairs where the key is the environment name and the value is the environment variable's value. This field is optional.

    'OPTION': 'VALUE',


Provides a means to pass command line options into the build process. This option can be defined as a dictionary of string pairs or a list with strings -- either way defined will generate argument values to include in the build event. This field is optional.

    # adds "--option value" to the command
    '--option': 'value',

# (or)

    # adds "--some-option" to the command


Provides a means to pass environment variables into all stages for a package. This option is defined as a dictionary with key-value pairs where the key is the environment name and the value is the environment variable's value. This field is optional.

    'OPTION': 'VALUE',


Provides a means to pass definitions into the installation process. This option can is defined as a dictionary of string pairs. This field is optional.

    # adds "--option=value" to the command
    '--option': 'value',


Provides a means to pass environment variables into the installation process. This option is defined as a dictionary with key-value pairs where the key is the environment name and the value is the environment variable's value. This field is optional.

    'OPTION': 'VALUE',


Provides a means to pass command line options into the installation process. This option can be defined as a dictionary of string pairs or a list with strings -- either way defined will generate argument values to include in the installation event. This field is optional.

    # adds "--option value" to the command
    '--option': 'value',

# (or)

    # adds "--some-option" to the command