Making a custom package type extension

This is an extension example for the following use case:

I’m using several packages in a project which use a custom package type (i.e. they are not a typical autotools or CMake project). I want to have an extension so that I can trigger custom prepare and build actions for project that is downloaded from version control.


  • This extension example uses the name my-awesome-extension. Developers are free to change this with whatever name is applicable for their own extension.

  • This tutorial does not cover steps on publishing an extension to an index such as PyPI. Instead, steps will be provided to load a extension’s sources into the system path for releng-tool (which is optional whenever a given extension can be installed from an index or runs in an environment that already manages the installation of the extension).

This tutorial assumes the existence of an already prepared releng-tool project, which had one or more packages planned to use a newly introduced package type. The package type operates as follows:

  • A repository will have a prepare script at its root, to be run before any builds are triggered.

  • For builds, a build script exists at the root, which expects a type of build (e.g. release or debug) to be passed as an argument.

  • There is no standard installation script/process to perform.

The example extension below will be designed to handle the above package type requirements.

Creating a custom package type extension

Initial skeleton

A first step is to setup the initial file structure for the extension. Assuming there exists a checked out releng-tool project (my-releng-tool-project) to be tested against, create a new extension folder named my-awesome-extension alongside the releng-tool project:

├── my-awesome-extension/
│   ├── my_awesome_extension/
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   ├── LICENSE
│   ├──
│   ...
└── my-releng-tool-project/

Inside this folder, create any base documents desired as well as preparing a my_awesome_extension Python package folder to hold the extension implementation. For the file, add the following contents:

from my_awesome_extension import mapt

def releng_setup(app):
    app.add_package_type('ext-mapt', mapt.MyAwesomePackageType)

The above adds a function releng_setup, which releng-tool uses to register the extension into the releng-tool engine. The function is invoked during initialization by passing an application context (app) which the extension can use to hook onto events and more.

This extension registers a new package type ext-mapt. When this new package type is registered into releng-tool, the MyAwesomePackageType class definition will be created/used to handle various stages of a package.


All extension package types must be prefixed with ext-.

For, add the following contents:

class MyAwesomePackageType:
    def configure(self, name, opts):
        print('TODO -- configure stage:', name)
        return True

    def build(self, name, opts):
        print('TODO -- build stage:', name)
        return True

    def install(self, name, opts):
        # do nothing for installation
        return True

The above package type provides a skeleton implementation for the pending configuration and build stages for this new package type. The installation stage is also required, but will only return True since it is not required for this package type example.

Initial testing

To test that the new package type is triggered at desired stages, use an existing releng-tool project and register this new example extension into the releng-tool process:

import os
import sys


extensions = [

# add local extension path into system path
container_dir = os.path.dirname(ROOT_DIR)
ext_dir = os.path.join(container_dir, 'my-awesome-extension')

Next, we will create/update a package which will use this new type. For example, for a libfoo package, we will configure the package type to ext-mapt and track a custom extension option mapt-build-type with a value of release (which we can later use to forward to our build script).

LIBFOO_TYPE = 'ext-mapt'

    'mapt-build-type': 'release',

When running releng-tool, the following messages should be printed during a run:

$ releng-tool libfoo
patching libfoo...
configuring libfoo...
TODO -- configure stage: libfoo
building libfoo...
TODO -- build stage: libfoo
installing libfoo...

Implement the configuration stage

With the extension being triggered at expected locations, we can now provide implementation for these hooks to trigger the required prepare and build scripts. The following steps will edit the existing file.

First, add some utility calls for the upcoming implementation:

from releng_tool import releng_execute
from releng_tool import releng_exists
from releng_tool import releng_exit
from releng_tool import releng_join
from releng_tool import verbose

# script shell to invoke
SHELL_BIN = 'sh'

class MyAwesomePackageType:

The above adds the following:

  • SHELL_BIN: we define the shell executable to be invoked

  • releng_execute: to be used to invoke our prepare/build scripts

  • releng_exists: to help check if a package has expected scripts

  • releng_exit: to help exit configure/build events on error

  • releng_join: to help join paths for script targets

  • verbose: some verbose message support to help development/error cases

Developers can use any supported Python packages/modules for this running environment, and this example uses a series of helper functions provided by releng-tool for convenience. Using releng-tool helper functions is not required if implementations wish to use another approach for their implementation.

We will implement the configuration event for our extension:

class MyAwesomePackageType:
    def configure(self, name, opts):
        verbose('invoking a mapt prepare for package: {}', name)
        prepare_script = releng_join(opts.build_dir, 'prepare')
        if not releng_exists(prepare_script):
            releng_exit('project is missing "prepare" script')

        return releng_execute([SHELL_BIN, prepare_script])


The above will:

  • Trigger a verbose message (if releng-tool is running with --verbose).

  • Build the prepare script path expected in the project’s build directory.

  • Verify that the script exists. If not, stop the configuration event.

  • Execute the prepare shell script.

Implement the build stage

With the configuration stage completed, we will now implement the build stage:

class MyAwesomePackageType:

    def build(self, name, opts):
        verbose('invoking a mapt build for package: {}', name)
        build_script = releng_join(opts.build_dir, 'build')
        if not releng_exists(build_script):
            releng_exit('project is missing "build" script')

        build_type = opts.ext.get('mapt-build-type')
        if not build_type:
            releng_exit('project is missing "mapt-build-type" option')

        return releng_execute([SHELL_BIN, build_script, build_type])

The above will:

  • Trigger a verbose message (if releng-tool is running with --verbose).

  • Build the build script path expected in the project’s build directory.

  • Verify that the script exists. If not, stop the build event.

  • Extract the expected mapt-build-type option from the package definition. If the option does not exist, the build event will be stopped.

  • Execute the build shell script.

Final testing

With the extension events implemented, re-run the releng-tool project from the package’s configuration stage to see expected output:

$ releng-tool libfoo-reconfigure
configuring libfoo...
building libfoo...
installing libfoo...

Based on the package’s prepare and build script, inspect the console output and build output to verify the respective scripts have performed their tasks.

This concludes this tutorial.

For a list of available API interfaces and documentation for these interfaces, see the documentation found inside the API implementation.