Configuration overrides

If a builder needs to (for example) override a tool location or package site, a user can define either environment options or setup a configuration override script releng-overrides:

└── my-releng-tool-project/
    ├── package/
    │   └── ...
    ├── LICENSE
    ├── releng
    ├── releng-overrides     <-- an override script

It is never recommended to persist a configuration overrides file into a project's source repository. Overrides are intended for dealing with specific hosts (e.g. injecting overrides when running with legacy build images).

Extraction tool overrides

The override_extract_tools option inside a configuration override script allows a dictionary to be provided to map an extension type to an external tool to indicate which tool should be used for extraction. For example, when a .zip archive is being processed for extraction, releng-tool will internally extract the archive. However, a user may wish to override this tool with their own extraction utility. Consider the following example:

override_extract_tools = {
    'zip': '/opt/my-custom-unzip {file} {dir}',

The {file} key will be replaced with the file to be extracted, and the {dir} key will be replaced where the contents should extract to.

Revision overrides

The override_revisions option inside a configuration override script allows a dictionary to be provided to map a package name to a new revision value. Consider the following example: a project defines module-a and module-b packages with package module-b depending on package module-a. A developer may be attempting to tweak package module-b on the fly to test a new capabilities against the current stable version of module-a. However, the developer does not want to explicitly change the revision inside package module-b's definition. To avoid this, an override can be used instead:

override_revisions = {
    'module-b': '<test-branch>',

The above example shows that package module-b will fetch using a test branch instead of what is defined in the actual package definition.

Site overrides

The override_sites option inside a configuration override script allows a dictionary to be provided to map a package name to a new site value. There may be times where a host may not have access to a specific package site. To have a host to use a mirror location without having to adjust the package definition, the site override option can be used. For example, consider a package pulls from site However, the host cannot be access from the host machine. If a mirror location has been setup at, the following override can be used:

override_sites = {
    '<package-name>': '',

Tool overrides

Environment variables can be used to help override external tool invoked by the releng-tool process. For example, when invoking CMake-based projects, the tool cmake will be invoked. However, if a builder is running on CentOS and CMake v3.x is desired, the tool cmake3 needs to be invoked instead. To configure this, an environment variable can be set to switch which tool to invoke. Consider the following example:

$ export RELENG_CMAKE=cmake3
$ releng-tool
[cmake3 will be used for cmake projects]