
Packages for a project are defined inside the package/ directory. Packages can consist of libraries, programs or even basic assets.

└── sample-releng-tool-project/
    ├── package/
    │   └── box-firmware/
    │   │   ├── box-firmware.rt
    │   │   └── box-firmware.hash
    │   └── libfw-uploader/
    │   │   └── libfw-uploader.rt
    │   └── libsupport/
    │   │   └── libsupport.rt
    │   └── rack-engine/
    │       └── rack-engine.rt
    └── releng-tool.rt


There is no explicit limit on the total number of packages a project can have. Package names are recommended to be lower-case with dash-separated (-) separators (if needed). For example, package-a is recommended over PackageA or package_a; however, the choice is up to the developer making the releng-tool project.

When making a package, a container folder for the package as well as a package definition file needs to be made. For example, for a package package-a, the file package/package-a/package-a.rt should exist.

└── my-releng-tool-project/
    ├── package/
    │   └── package-a/                <---- Container
    │       └── package-a.rt          <---- Definition

Package definition files are Python-based. Inside the definition file, a series of configuration options can be set to tell releng-tool how to work with the defined package. Each option is prefixed with a variable-safe variant of the package name. The prefix value will be an uppercase string based on the package name with special characters converted to underscores. For example:

  • package-a will have a prefix PACKAGE_A_

  • libfoo will have a prefix LIBFOO_

  • MyAwesomeModule will have a prefix MYAWESOMEMODULE_

For a package to take advantage of a configuration option, the package definition will add a variable entry with the package's prefix followed by the supported option name. Considering the same package with the name package-a which has a prefix PACKAGE_A_; to use the LIBFOO_VERSION configuration option, the option PACKAGE_A_VERSION should be defined:

